FAQ about the whistleblowing portal
The whistleblower system serves to implement Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report infringements of Union law (so-called “Whistleblower Directive”) in the form of the national Whistleblower Protection Act (“HinschG”) promulgated on 02.06.2023. From 17 December 2023 at the latest, all companies with more than 50 employees are obliged to set up and operate internal reporting channels or whistleblower systems. By means of this whistleblowing system, employees of a company, suppliers, applicants and other persons associated with the company can report open or anonymous information about violations of the company against the regulations specified in the HinschG under § 2 HinschG.
The company is not allowed to negatively disadvantage the whistleblowers in any way.
In addition, this whistleblower system is also suitable for reporting violations of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in accordance with § 8 LkSG.
The whistleblower portal primarily serves to protect those persons who want to contribute to the detection of violations by a company against the provisions of § 2 HinschG. In addition to ensuring the anonymity of a whistleblower, the company concerned can, thanks to the incoming information, take internal measures to stop violations and prevent them in the future. Therefore it´s no longer necessary to go via superiors or other offices within the company who may have been involved in the violation.
There are four different ways to submit a hint.
Online contact form
When using the contact form, please always name the company concerned as precisely as possible. If you are active within a group of companies, please name the company of the group to which your hints relates. Mandatory fields are marked with an *. When using the contact form, we require — in order to fulfil our legal obligations — that you provide an e‑mail address. Further information on this can be found under point 4 of this FAQ. Describe your hint as precisely as possible. If you wish to keep your hint for your records, you can print it out or otherwise save it before sending it.
After submitting a hint, you have the option of uploading further documents to a designated part of our cloud space. Please let us know if you need a cloud space to upload your documents.
Whistleblower hotline
If you do not want to use the contact form, you can call our whistleblower hotline at +49 (0)7731–9587–777 free of charge. There you can submit your hint after a recorded message. These recordings are encrypted at our office and do not leave the office infrastructure at any time. The recordings can also only be listened to by the staff members who are designated to process your hint. Please leave your contact details for us to get in touch with you.
Mailbox of the ombudsman’s office
If you do not wish to use the contact form or call our whistleblower hotline, you can also send us your hints and realted documents directly to reichert & reichert steuer- und rechtsberatungsgesellschaft mbH, attn: Ombudsman’s Office, Max-Porzig-Straße 1, 78224 Singen. In this case, please also provide us with an address for correspondence or another way of contacting you.
Personal appointment with the ombudsman’s office
You can also make a personal appointment with the ombudsman’s office on the premises of our law firm. We are available at Max-Porzig-Straße 1, 78224 Singen or at Reichenaustraße 19a, 78467 Konstanz.
You are free at any time to use your real name and contact details or to give us a pseudonym. Please note that we require you to provide us with a means of contact in order to process your hint and to contact you further in order to comply with the legally required feedback. If necessary, you can use an e‑mail hosting service of your choice to create an innocuous e‑mail address without any personal reference. Please do not use services such as “10minutemail.net” or similar providers, as we will then no longer be able to contact you.
When you access our whistleblower portal using a browser, your data is encrypted with end-to-end encryption at the time you access the landing page of the form. If you upload attachments to our cloud spaces and wish to remain anonymous, please also make sure to disguise your name in these documents, if applicable.
We have no influence on the hardware and software (browser, smartphone, operating system, phone, etc.) that you use to use the whistleblowing portal. Therefore, make sure that the system you use is free of malware, such as keyloggers, as this could possibly violate your anonymity.
You can find further tips on the following website, among others: https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/anonymous-whistleblowing-guide/
We recommend that you do not use your company’s internal IT infrastructure to submit a hint, as these structures can be monitored or accesses logged by the company’s IT security systems within the permissible scope.
Yes. You only need sufficient reason to believe that there has been a violation of the regulations mentioned in § 2 HinschG and that the reported information is true. There is an explicit prohibition of reprisals or negative consequences against the whistleblower. Reprisals do not only include dismissals, but also the transfer of tasks, exclusion, non-promotion or refusal of a further training measure can constitute reprisals in individual cases. Whistleblowers who deliberately make false reports, on the other hand, have no protection against negative consequences and may be obliged to pay compensation for any damages inflicted.
In case of doubt, your employer is obliged to prove that a negative consequence is not based on the fact that you have given a hint via the whistleblowing portal.
If you would like to report violations by the company against a regulation mentioned in § 2 HinschG, for example those concerning environmental protection, data protection, traffic safety, consumer protection or product safety, you can do so via the whistleblower portal. A complete list of relevant violations can be found under § 2 para. 1 no. 1–10 and § 2 para. 2 no. 1 and 2 HinschG.
Within the framework of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, the whistleblower portal enables whistleblowers to point out human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights-related or environmental obligations that have arisen due to the economic actions of a company in its own business sector or of a direct supplier.
The whistleblower system is of course not a grievance box. Thus, disputes between the company and an employee or between employees are not relevant in the context of the HinschG, as well as the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.
We are legally obliged to confirm receipt of your hint within 7 days of receipt. In a first step, we check whether the submitted hint falls within the respective applicable legal framework. If we require further information from you for processing, we will contact you in the second step via the contact method you have requested or specified.
Anonymous information can reveal abuses and violations of the law that are unknown to the management. As a whistleblower, you not only protect your employer, but indirectly also yourself. Penalty payments can lead to insolvency for a company and legally compliant business operations are a very important pillar for long-term business success and thus ultimately for secure jobs.
We are legally obliged to contact you after 7 days or 3 months and 7 days at the latest. If you do not provide us with a contact option, we will not be able to inform you about the status of your hint. If you do not hear from us in an individual case, you are welcome to contact us again.
Information submitted is only processed by a small number of qualified employees of our firm who are specially trained before handling your hint and are sworn to secrecy under data protection law and professional law. The team consists of data protection experts, lawyers and solicitors, as well as general clerical staff. When processing a hint further, we will get in touch with the contact persons of your employer.
Yes. Provided that your hint is subject to processing under consideration of the legal provisions, you will receive feedback from us after 3 months and 7 days after we recieved your hint at the latest. This feedback will contain information on whether or which measures the company concerned has implemented to prevent any further violations, which measures are planned for implementation or how existing violations will be remedied.
No. You do not bear any costs when submitting a hint. The submission of a hint does not constitute a client relationship with the law firm reichert & reichert steuerberater & rechtsanwälte.
All data is stored on our own servers within the office building. As we are a firm of tax advisors and lawyers and are bound by professional secrecy, we have to protect our IT infrastructure in particular. Access to your data will be restricted to those employees who are designated to handle your hint. For further information, please refer to our data protection regulations.