You are free at any time to use your real name and cont­act details or to give us a pseud­onym. Plea­se note that we requi­re you to pro­vi­de us with a means of cont­act in order to pro­cess your hint and to cont­act you fur­ther in order to com­ply with the legal­ly requi­red feed­back. If neces­sa­ry, you can use an e‑mail hos­ting ser­vice of your choice to crea­te an inno­cuous e‑mail address wit­hout any per­so­nal refe­rence. Plea­se do not use ser­vices such as “” or simi­lar pro­vi­ders, as we will then no lon­ger be able to cont­act you.

When you access our whist­le­b­lower por­tal using a brow­ser, your data is encrypt­ed with end-to-end encryp­ti­on at the time you access the landing page of the form.  If you upload attach­ments to our cloud spaces and wish to remain anony­mous, plea­se also make sure to dis­gu­i­se your name in the­se docu­ments, if applicable.

We have no influence on the hard­ware and soft­ware (brow­ser, smart­phone, ope­ra­ting sys­tem, pho­ne, etc.) that you use to use the whist­le­b­lo­wing por­tal. The­r­e­fo­re, make sure that the sys­tem you use is free of mal­wa­re, such as key­log­gers, as this could pos­si­bly vio­la­te your anonymity.
You can find fur­ther tips on the fol­lo­wing web­site, among others:

We recom­mend that you do not use your company’s inter­nal IT infra­struc­tu­re to sub­mit a hint, as the­se struc­tures can be moni­to­red or acces­ses log­ged by the company’s IT secu­ri­ty sys­tems within the per­mis­si­ble scope.