Where is my data stored?

All data is stored on our own servers within the office building. As we are a firm of tax advisors and lawyers and are bound by professional secrecy, we have to protect our IT infrastructure in particular. Access to your data will be restricted to those employees who are designated to handle your hint. For [...]

2023-10-12T12:59:25+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

Will I know the result of the investigation of my hint?

Yes. Provided that your hint is subject to processing under consideration of the legal provisions, you will receive feedback from us after 3 months and 7 days after we recieved your hint at the latest. This feedback will contain information on whether or which measures the company concerned has implemented to prevent any further violations, [...]

2023-10-12T12:54:15+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

Which persons at the ombudsmann´s office will handle hint?

Information submitted is only processed by a small number of qualified employees of our firm who are specially trained before handling your hint and are sworn to secrecy under data protection law and professional law. The team consists of data protection experts, lawyers and solicitors, as well as general clerical staff. When processing a hint [...]

2023-10-12T12:51:42+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

My hint was not processed, what can I do?

We are legally obliged to contact you after 7 days or 3 months and 7 days at the latest. If you do not provide us with a contact option, we will not be able to inform you about the status of your hint. If you do not hear from us in an individual case, you [...]

2023-10-12T12:47:38+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

What advantages does the whistleblower portal offer me?

Anonymous information can reveal abuses and violations of the law that are unknown to the management. As a whistleblower, you not only protect your employer, but indirectly also yourself. Penalty payments can lead to insolvency for a company and legally compliant business operations are a very important pillar for long-term business success and thus ultimately [...]

2023-10-12T12:45:43+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

What happens after I submit a hint?

We are legally obliged to confirm receipt of your hint within 7 days of receipt. In a first step, we check whether the submitted hint falls within the respective applicable legal framework. If we require further information from you for processing, we will contact you in the second step via the contact method you have [...]

2023-10-12T12:42:41+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

What kind of hints can be given?

If you would like to report violations by the company against a regulation mentioned in § 2 HinschG, for example those concerning environmental protection, data protection, traffic safety, consumer protection or product safety, you can do so via the whistleblower portal. A complete list of relevant violations can be found under § 2 para. 1 [...]

2023-10-12T12:36:39+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

As a whistleblower, am I protected from negative consequences?

Yes. You only need sufficient reason to believe that there has been a violation of the regulations mentioned in § 2 HinschG and that the reported information is true. There is an explicit prohibition of reprisals or negative consequences against the whistleblower. Reprisals do not only include dismissals, but also the transfer of tasks, exclusion, [...]

2023-10-12T12:33:33+02:0012. Oktober 2023||

How can I remain anonymous?

You are free at any time to use your real name and contact details or to give us a pseudonym. Please note that we require you to provide us with a means of contact in order to process your hint and to contact you further in order to comply with the legally required feedback. If [...]

2023-10-12T12:27:29+02:0012. Oktober 2023||
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